The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a renowned optimization puzzle, challenging individuals to find the shortest route that visits a set of cities once and returns to the starting city. Its applications span across various industries, from transportation and manufacturing to DNA sequencing. 

The fundamental goal is to minimize costs while identifying optimal routes, making TSP a critical problem to address.

Deciphering the Cheapest Link Algorithm

The Cheapest Link Algorithm provides a straightforward method for tackling the complexities of TSP. It operates in a few simple steps:

  • Initialization: Start the tour from any city within the set;
  • Finding Nearest Neighbors: Identify the closest unvisited city and incorporate it into the tour;
  • Continued Exploration: Keep discovering the nearest unvisited city, adding it to the tour until all cities are visited;
  • Returning Home: Conclude the tour by returning to the initial city.

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A Real-Life Example

To grasp the Cheapest Link Algorithm’s application, let’s consider an example involving five cities (A, B, C, D, and E) and their respective distances. Using this algorithm, we can determine the shortest route:

  • A to B: 5 units;
  • A to C: 7 units;
  • A to D: 6 units;
  • A to E: 10 units;
  • B to C: 8 units;
  • B to D: 9 units;
  • B to E: 6 units;
  • C to D: 6 units;
  • C to E: 5 units;
  • D to E: 8 units.

The Cheapest Link Algorithm proceeds as follows:

  • Start at City A;
  • The nearest unvisited city is B, so we add B to the tour;
  • Continuing, we find D as the next closest unvisited city;
  • Next, E emerges as the nearest unvisited city;
  • Finally, we return to A to complete the tour.

The tour’s route becomes: A → B → D → E → A, with a total distance of 29 units.

Unveiling the Algorithm’s Efficiency

A deeper dive into the solution showcases its effectiveness. Starting from City A, the algorithm consistently selects the closest unvisited city, ensuring an optimal path. 

Let’s dissect our example:

  • Begin the tour at City A;
  • Move from A to B, covering a distance of 5 units;
  • Transition from A to D, with a distance of 6 units;
  • Advance from D to E, spanning 8 units;
  • Conclude the tour by returning to A, covering 10 units.

The tour’s path is A → B → D → E → A, with a total distance of 29 units. This exemplifies the Cheapest Link Algorithm’s proficiency in identifying the shortest route among multiple cities.

Applications Beyond the Puzzle

The Cheapest Link Algorithm’s practicality extends far beyond our example. It finds application in real-world scenarios such as optimizing delivery routes, circuit design, and DNA sequencing. Mastering its principles and applications empowers you to navigate complex optimization challenges in various domains.


This comprehensive example unveils the Cheapest Link Algorithm’s potential for simplifying the Traveling Salesman Problem. Whether you’re streamlining delivery routes, crafting efficient circuits, or exploring genetic sequences, the Cheapest Link Algorithm stands as a reliable tool in your arsenal. Its straightforward approach and proven effectiveness make it a go-to solution for solving intricate optimization puzzles.

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