In C++ object-oriented programming, understanding how to interact with base and derived classes is crucial. This article delves deep into the specifics of invoking virtual methods of a base class from a derived class.

Syntax for Calling Base Class Virtual Functions

When programming with derived classes, it might be necessary to invoke a virtual function as it’s defined in the base class, bypassing the overridden version in the derived class. To achieve this, the base class’s name can be prefixed to the function.

Consider the following base class named Base:

class Base{    public:        virtual void method()        {            std::cout << “Base::method()” << “\n”;        }        virtual ~Base() {}};

To call the method() as defined in Base from a derived class named Derived, the syntax is as follows:

class Derived : public Base{    virtual void method()    {        Base::method();        std::cout << “Derived::method()” << “\n”;    }    virtual ~Derived() {}};

Executing the subsequent program demonstrates the method calls in sequence:

int main(){    Base *d = new Derived();    d->method();    delete d;}



Inherited Virtual Methods in Base Classes

It’s pivotal to note that if a base class inherits a method rather than explicitly defining it, the derived class will invoke the inherited version. This behavior is illustrated with three classes: Grandparent, Parent, and Child.

For instance:

class Grandparent{    public:        virtual void method()        {            std::cout << “Grandparent::method()” << “\n”;        }        virtual ~Grandparent() {}};
class Parent : public Grandparent{    public:        virtual ~Parent() {}};
class Child : public Parent{    virtual void method()    {        Parent::method();        std::cout << “Child::method()” << “\n”;    }    virtual ~Child() {}};

Running the associated program generates:

int main(){    Parent *p = new Child();    p->method();    delete p;}



Related Topics

  • Exploring how to call the base class constructor from a derived class can further enhance your grasp of C++ inheritance;
  • Navigating scenarios of multiple inheritance requires understanding virtual base classes;
  • The typedef super idiom offers a convenient means for referencing base classes.

Comparison Table: Base vs. Derived Class Method Calls

FeatureBase Class Method CallDerived Class Method Call
Scope of AccessEntire class hierarchyLimited to the derived class
Default Behavior in Derived ClassCan be overriddenN/A (Defined in derived class)
Invocation SyntaxBase::methodName()Simply methodName()
Typical UsageReinforce original behaviorImplement specialized behavior
Output (From examples above)Base::method()Derived::method()
Involvement of PolymorphismYes (If virtual)Yes (If overriding)

Additional Unique Section: Benefits of Explicit Base Class Method Calls

Explicitly invoking a method from the base class within a derived class in C++ presents numerous advantages:

  • Preservation of Logic: By deliberately calling a base class method, programmers ensure the preservation of original logic, even when a derived class provides additional or varied functionality;
  • Code Reusability: Rather than rewriting the entire method, developers can build upon the existing foundation. This approach aligns with the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle, leading to cleaner and more maintainable code;
  • Clearer Intent: Being explicit in your method calls clarifies the developer’s intent. Future maintainers can quickly discern that the base class behavior is intentionally invoked before any derived class modifications;
  • Flexibility: If requirements change or bugs are discovered in the future, having the base functionality isolated can simplify troubleshooting and modifications.

Harnessing the power of inheritance while understanding the nuances of method calls between base and derived classes equips developers to craft efficient, scalable, and maintainable software solutions.


Understanding how to properly call base class methods in C++ is essential for robust and efficient object-oriented programming. Leveraging this knowledge aids in designing more flexible and maintainable software architectures.

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