Martin embarked on an intriguing journey to set up the Facebook Folly C++ libraries on his Ubuntu machine. Let’s dive into the steps he took to make it all work seamlessly.
Step 1: Acquiring the Source Code
Martin initiated his process by obtaining `` from [this GitHub link]( After downloading, he extracted its contents, which paved the way for a new directory named `/home/martin/folly-master`.
Step 2: Setting the Groundwork – Installing Prerequisites
Without hesitation, Martin referred to the `` and began installing the necessary prerequisites. Interestingly, he found that he already had many of them on his system. Here’s a snapshot of the commands he used:
sudo apt-get install g++ automake autoconf autoconf-archive libtool libboost-all-dev libevent-dev libdouble-conversion-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libgflags-dev liblz4-dev liblzma-dev libsnappy-dev make zlib1g-dev binutils-dev libjemalloc-dev libssl-dev libunwind8-dev libelf-dev libdwarf-dev libiberty-dev
Step 3: The Building Phase
Getting hands-on, Martin began the building process using these commands:
autoreconf -ivf
sudo make install
However, a minor hiccup occurred. He couldn’t execute `make check` due to some alterations in Google Test, so he simply bypassed this part.
Step 4: Organizing the Header Files
With utmost precision, Martin copied the header files to specific directories:
sudo mkdir /usr/include/folly
sudo mkdir /usr/include/folly/detail
sudo cp /home/martin/folly-master/folly/*.h /usr/include/folly
sudo cp /home/martin/folly-master/folly/detail/*.h /usr/include/folly/detail
sudo cp -r /home/martin/folly-master/folly/compatibility /usr/include/folly
Although uncertain about the need to copy headers from `detail`, Martin decided it was best to err on the side of caution.
Step 5: Integrating the Libraries
To ensure the libraries were integrated perfectly, Martin performed these commands:
sudo cp /home/martin/folly-master/folly/.libs/ /usr/local/lib
cd /usr/local/lib
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s
sudo ldconfig -v
Step 6: The Final Test
The moment of truth arrived. Martin penned down a simple program, `hello.cpp`, with the primary aim of greeting the Folly World:
include <iostream>
include <folly/FBString.h>
int main()
folly::fbstring str("Hello, Folly World!");
std::cout << str << "\n";
He then compiled it using `g++ hello.cpp -o hello -lfolly` and ran it with `./hello`. The screen echoed back “Hello, Folly World!”, marking a triumphant end to his endeavor.
In the end, Martin’s meticulous efforts bore fruit as he successfully set up the Facebook Folly C++ libraries on his Ubuntu system. His journey, replete with careful steps and minor obstacles, serves as a testament to his dedication and an excellent guide for others embarking on a similar path. It goes to show that with the right approach and attention to detail, one can seamlessly integrate even the most complex libraries into their system. Truly, Martin’s experience is both inspiring and instructive.